CPSC2150 - Software Development Foundations

Undergraduate Course, Clemson University, Computer Science, 2023

Software Development Foundations, or CPSC2150, is the first course undergraduate Clemson students take in the Software Engineering path, which is composed of 2150 -> 3720 -> 4720/6720 -> 4910 -> 8720. In this course, students are intoduced to and become familarized with some of the most common and best practices of every-day software development, such as the use of GitHub, the abstraction of code, and unit testing. This course is also the current first required exposure students have to the Java programming language.

The official course page is hosted through Canvas, which only students currently enrolled in CPSC2150 will have access to. If you’re curious as to what some of the coursework looks like in this class, you’re welcome to email me at my university email mjre[at]clemson[dot]edu.